50-State Construction Licensing Compliance Guide
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California Construction Licensing

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Licenses are typically required for individuals and businesses that provide construction industry services. This guide contains information about construction industry licensing in California.

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Company Licenses
Individual Licenses

Company Licenses

California Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

California Certified Qualified Conveyance Company (CQCC)

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Elevator Unit

Initial Registration


Certified Qualified Conveyance Company Application

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Current elevator contractors license pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, if required by nature of business.
  • A list of branch offices conducting business in the State of California. This list shall include the branch office business address, contact name, contact telephone number, fax number, and email address (if available)
  • Policy or certificate of insurance for general liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 for injury or death of any one person or persons in any one occurrence, and with coverage of not less than $500,000 for property damage in any one occurrence.
  • Policy or certificate of insurance of worker’s compensation insurance coverage, if applicable.

Registration Renewal


Certified Qualified Conveyance Company Renewal Application

Agency Fee:




Required Attachments:
  • Current elevator contractors license pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, if required by nature of business.
  • A list of branch offices conducting business in the State of California. This list shall include the branch office business address, contact name, contact telephone number, fax number, and email address (if available)
  • Policy or certificate of insurance for general liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 for injury or death of any one person or persons in any one occurrence, and with coverage of not less than $500,000 for property damage in any one occurrence.
  • Policy or certificate of insurance of worker’s compensation insurance coverage, if applicable.
  • A copy of an approved continuing education certificate

California Contractor License

Agency:California Department of Consumer Affairs - Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:Yes
Bond Requirements:
  • All contractors must have a $25,000 contractor's bond on file with CSLB.
  • An additional $25,000 qualifying individual's bond must be filed for contractors that are qualified by a responsible managing employee.
  • All LLC licenses are required to obtain a $100,000 surety bond as well.
  • A license that has been disciplined may be required to have an additional disciplinary bond on file with CSLB in an amount fixed by the Registrar at not less than $25,000 or more than $250,000.


The following projects or individuals may be exempt from licensing:

  • A project for which the combined value of labor, materials, and all other costs on one or more contracts is less than $500. Work on a larger project, may not be broken down to smaller amounts of less than $500 in an attempt to meet the $500 exemption;
  • An employee who is paid wages, who does not usually work in an independently established business, and who does not have direction or control over the performance of work or who does not determine the final results of the work or project;
  • Public personnel working on public projects;
  • Officers of a court acting within the scope of their office;
  • Public utilities working under specified conditions;
  • Oil and gas operations performed by an owner or lessee;
  • Owner-builders who build or improve existing structures on their own property if they either do the work themselves or use their own employees (paid in wages) to do the work;
  • Sale or installation of finished products that do not become a fixed part of the structure;
  • A seller of installed carpets who holds a retail furniture dealer's license but who contracts for installation of the carpet with a licensed carpet installer;
  • Security alarm company operators (licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services) who install, maintain, monitor, sell, alter, or service alarm systems (fire alarm company operators must be licensed by CSLB);
  • Persons whose activities consist only of installing satellite antenna systems on residential structures or property. These persons must be registered with the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair.
Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • A qualifying individual, or simply "qualifier," is the person listed in CSLB records who meets the experience and examination requirements for the license. There must be a qualifying individual for every classification on each license issued by CSLB.
  • The license's qualifying individual is responsible for the employer's (or principal's) construction operations.
  • A person may act as a qualifying individual for more than one active license only if one of the following conditions exists:

    • There is a common ownership of at least 20 percent of the equity of each firm for which the person acts as a qualifier; or
      The additional firm is a subsidiary of or a joint venture with the first; or

    • The majority of the partners or officers are the same.

  • Even if he or she meets the above conditions, A PERSON MAY SERVE AS THE QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL FOR NO MORE THAN THREE FIRMS IN ANY ONE-YEAR PERIOD. If a qualifier disassociates from the third firm, he or she must wait one year before associating with a new third firm.

  • A Responsible Managing Employee (RME) can only act as a qualifying individual for one active license at a time.

  • If you have an individual license, you may be the qualifier or you may designate a Responsible Managing Employee (RME).

  • If you have a partnership license, your qualifier may either be one of the general partners (who shall be designated as the qualifying partner) or the RME.

  • If you have a corporate license, your qualifier may be either one of the officers listed on the CSLB's records for your license (who shall be designated as the Responsible Managing Officer, or RMO), or an RME.

  • If your qualifying individual is a Responsible Managing Employee, he or she must be a bona fide employee of the firm and may not be the qualifier on any other active license. This means that the RME must be regularly employed by the firm and actively involved in the operation of the business at least 32 hours per week or 80 percent of the total business operating hours per week, whichever is less.

Requirement Notes:

Examination Waivers and Exemptions
The examination may be waived if the qualifying individual is currently, or has been in the last five (5) years, actively engaged in the construction business and meets specific waiver requirements as mandated by law, or has been actively licensed in good standing or has passed the required exams in the classification for which they are applying. (See BPC sections 7065 – 7065.4 for a complete list.) If you are applying for licensure based on waiver of or exemption from the trade and Law and Business exams, you should complete the Application for Original Contractor License – Examination Waiver (7065) instead of this application.
In addition, the trade examination may be waived if the qualifier meets the requirements for reciprocity, please see CSLB’s website (www.cslb.ca.gov) for more information. If you are licensed in a state and classification recognized by the Board, please have the licensing agency from your state complete a “Request for Verification of License” form and submit it with this application. The Law and Business Examination will still be required if the applicant has not passed that examination within the last five (5) years. (See CSLB’s website for more information on reciprocity on the Applicants page.)

Initial Registration


Application for Original Contractor License

Agency Fee:

$450 application fee. The initial license fee of $200 for sole owners or $350 for non-sole owner licenses should be submitted after you pass the examination.


Processing Times

Original Ink:Required
Notarization Required?:Not required
How to Apply:

Domestic Applicants:

  1. File entity formation documents with the California Secretary of State - Business Programs Division.
  2. File an Application for Original Contractor License with the California Contractors State License Board.
  3. Pass the relevant exam for your classification.
  4. After passing the exam, submit the required contractor's bond, proof of insurance, and license fee to the California Contractors State License Board.

Foreign Applicants:

  1. File foreign qualification documents with the California Secretary of State - Business Programs Division.
  2. File an Application for Original Contractor License with the California Contractors State License Board.
  3. Pass the relevant exam for your classification.
  4. After passing the exam, submit the required contractor's bond, proof of insurance, and license fee to the California Contractors State License Board.
Required Attachments:
  • Fingerprint Requirements
  • For formal education, the applicant’s educational institution must submit a certified official
    transcript directly to CSLB in a sealed envelope. Degrees obtained outside of the United States must be translated, if in a language other than English, and evaluated by an accredited evaluation service in the U.S. 
  • For apprenticeship programs, applicants must submit a copy of their apprenticeship certificate and indicate the dates of the program where requested on the application.
  • If you are licensed in a state
    and classification recognized by the Board, please have the licensing agency from your state complete a “Request for Verification of License” form and submit it with this application.
  • Qualifying Indvidiual Experience document 
  • Certification of Work Experience - must be
    completed by the qualifying individual on the application and certified by a qualified and responsible person who has direct knowledge of the experience and time period listed.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

$450 for sole owner licenses (C-10 contractors are charged $470) and $700 for non-sole owner licenses (C-10 contractors are charged $720)


Biennially by the end of the month of issuance.

Original Ink:Required
Notarization Required?:Not required

Licenses not renewed by September 30 are forfeited and the holders of a forfeited license are considered unlicensed and may not practice. Restorations of forfeited licenses are accepted until November 30 of the even-numbered year with a penalty fee. After November 30, restoration is not accepted and a new application for a license is required.


The application to renew a contractor license automatically is sent to current licensees by CSLB about 60 days before an expiration date.

Required Attachments:
  • Financial statement 
  • Worker's Compensation
    • List the top three workers' compensation classification codes for which the highest estimated payroll is reported on your policy
    • If you have fewer than three classification codes reported on the policy, you must provide every classification code (including suffix) reported on the policy
  • Credit reports of each officer/partner/manager/member 
  • Tax clearance 
  • Trade name registration (if applicable)  
  • RME appointment
  • Entity Registration 

Application for Replacing the Qualifying Individual


Disassociation Request and Application for Replacing the Qualifying Individual

Agency Fee:



A disassociation notice must be delivered and a replacement of the qualifier must be made within 90 days of disassociation to avoid a suspension of the license.

Original Ink:Required


Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Original Ink:Required
  • For licenses that do not have an officer on the license to disassociate and add other officers then the following steps must be taken: 
    • Only the President or CEO can sign themselves onto a license
    • Attach a letter with the application stating there are no current personnel to sign additional individuals onto the license
    • Once the President or CEO is added to the license, that individual can then disassociate others and add new officers to the license
  • All newly added officers must comply with the fingerprint requirements
  • Application expires after 90 days if the fingerprint requirements are not met



Application to Change Business Name or Address

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Local Construction and Contracting Company Licenses

Anaheim General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Anaheim.

Anaheim does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Anaheim will likely need a business tax license.

Bakersfield General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Bakersfield.

Bakersfield does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Bakersfield will likely need a business tax license.

Fresno General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Fresno.

Fresno does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Fresno will likely need a business tax license.

Irvine General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Irvine.

Irvine does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Irvine will likely need a business tax license.

City of Lakewood Business License - General Contractor

Agency:City of Lakewood Business License Division (CA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Business License App Out-of-City Contractor 

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Out-of-City Contractors may e-mail new applications.

Agency Fee:

$120.00 + $5.00 per employee + quaretly fees +$4.00 State mandated fee.

Registration Renewal


Business License Application

Business License App Out-of-City Contractor 

Filing Method:

Mail or in-person

Agency Fee:

$120.00 + $5.00 per employee + quaretly fees +$4.00 State mandated fee.


Annually by June 30. 

Oakland General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Oakland.

Oakland does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Oakland will likely need a business tax license.

Pasadena Business License - Contractor

Agency:Pasadena Department of Finance (CA)
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No

Initial Registration


Business License Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:

Depends on which contractor license classification the applicant has at the state level in California. Fees are based on the highest classification the contractor holds if more than one. The annual license fees are as follows:

  • General engineering contractors - $632.54
  • General building contractors - $423.19
  • Specialty contractors - $318.53
  • Other building tradesmen - $318.53

Fees for the 3-month and 6-month licenses are 30% and 60% respectively of the annual license fee.



Contractors located within the city limits of Pasadena are required to apply for the annual license. Contractors located outside of Pasadena may apply for the 3-month or 6-month license but should remember to close out their license after finishing their work in Pasadena.

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

Depends on which contractor license classification the applicant has at the state level in California. Fees are based on the highest classification the contractor holds if more than one. The annual license fees are as follows:

  • General engineering contractors - $632.54
  • General building contractors - $423.19
  • Specialty contractors - $318.53
  • Other building tradesmen - $318.53

Fees for the 3-month and 6-month licenses are 30% and 60% respectively of the annual license fee.


Annually by June 30 for annual license holders. 3-month and 6-month licenses expire 3 months and 6 months respectively from the date of issuance and can be renewed for additional 3 or 6 month periods.

Riverside General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Riverside.

Riverside does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Riverside will likely need a business tax license.

Roseville General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Roseville.

Roseville does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Roseville will likely need a business tax license

Sacramento General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Sacramento.

Sacramento does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Sacramento will likely need a business tax license.

San Jose General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in San Jose.

San Jose does not license general contractors.

Stockton General Contractor License

Not required

General Contractor Company licensure is not required on the City level in Stockton.

Stockton does not issue general contractor-specific licenses. However, contractors doing business in Stockton will likely need a business tax license.

Individual Licenses

California Individual Construction and Contracting Licenses

California Asbestos Consultant Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Asbestos and Carcinogen Unit

Initial Registration


Examination Application Packet

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Renewal Request Form

Agency Fee:



Certifications expire annually by the date of issuance but renewal applications must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiration date.

California Asbestos Site Surveillance Technician Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Asbestos and Carcinogen Unit

Initial Registration


Examination Application Packet

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Renewal Request Form

Agency Fee:



Certifications expire annually by the date of issuance but renewal applications must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiration date.

California Certified Competent Conveyance (Elevator) Mechanic (CCCM)

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Elevator Unit

Initial Registration


Certified Competent Conveyance (Elevator) Mechanic Application

Agency Fee:

$210 application fee + $100 exam fee (if applicable)

Required Attachments:
  • Two passport sized color photos
  • A certificate of completion from an approved apprenticeship program; (NEIEP, CET, or CAT) or earn a passing score on a qualifying exam administered by the Division

Registration Renewal


Certified Competent Conveyance (Elevator) Mechanic Renewal Application

Agency Fee:




Required Attachments:
  • A copy of an approved continuing education certificate

California Fire/Life/Safety Electrical Technician Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Electrician Certification Program

Initial Registration


Application for Electrician Examination and Certification

Agency Fee:

$75 application fee + $100 examination fee

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application for Electrician Certification

Agency Fee:



Triennially by the date of issuance.

California General Electrician Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Electrician Certification Program

Initial Registration


Application for Electrician Examination and Certification

Agency Fee:

$75 application fee + $100 examination fee

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application for Electrician Certification

Agency Fee:



Triennially by the date of issuance.

California Home Improvement Salesperson Registration

Agency:California Department of Consumer Affairs - Contractors State License Board (CSLB)

Initial Registration


Application for Registration as a Home Improvement Salesperson

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Biennially by the last day of the registration anniversary month.

California Lead Inspector / Assessor License

Agency:California Department of Public Health Childhood Lean Poisoning Branch
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • Lead-Related Construction Inspection / Assessment course (40 hours); or
  • CIHs may take a Lead-Related Construction Certified Industrial Hygienist Course (24 hours).
  • A Bachelor's Degree or higher in a biological, chemical, physical science or related field; and
    • 1 year of experience in lead-related construction or a related field (such as asbestos or environmental remediation); a) conducting environmental inspections and assessing environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazards; or b) designing projects in environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazard reduction; or
  • An Associate's Degree or higher (or 20 semester / 30 quarter college units) in a biological, chemical, physical science or related field; and
    • 2 years of experience in lead-related construction or a related field (such as asbestos or environmental remediation); a) conducting environmental inspections and assessing environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazards; or b) designing projects in environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazard reduction; or
  • A High School Diploma or its equivalent and
    • 3 years of experience in lead-related construction or a related field (such as asbestos or environmental remediation); a) conducting environmental inspections and assessing environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazards; or b) designing projects in environmental health, occupational safety or environmental hazard reduction.

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Experience (except Workers and Sampling Technicians)
  • Proof of Training, via the CDPH Course Completion Form
  • Photo 
  • Education documentation (except Workers, Supervisors and Sampling Technicians)

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Experience (except Workers and Sampling Technicians)
  • Proof of Training, via the CDPH Course Completion Form
  • Photo 
  • Education documentation (except Workers, Supervisors and Sampling Technicians)

California Lead Sampling Technician License

Agency:California Department of Public Health Childhood Lean Poisoning Branch
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • Lead-Related Construction Sampling Technician course (8 hours)
  • No experience or education is required.

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Experience (except Workers and Sampling Technicians)
  • Proof of Training, via the CDPH Course Completion Form
  • Photo

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Experience (except Workers and Sampling Technicians)
  • Proof of Training, via the CDPH Course Completion Form
  • Photo 

California Lead-Related Construction Supervisor License

Agency:California Department of Public Health Childhood Lean Poisoning Branch
Foreign Qualification is Prerequisite:No
Registered Agent (Special Agency) Required?No
Qualifying Individual Requirements:
  • Lead-Related Construction Supervision & Project Monitoring course (40 hours); or
  • Lead-Related Construction Work course (24 or 32 hours) + Lead-Related Construction Supplemental Supervision; Project Monitoring course (16 hours).
  • 1 year of experience as a certified lead worker; or
  • 2 years of experience in lead-related construction or a related field (such as asbestos, the building trades or environmental remediation) conducting health, occupational safety, or environmental hazard control.
  • No education is required.

Initial Registration

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Experience (except Workers and Sampling Technicians)
  • Proof of Training, via the CDPH Course Completion Form
  • Photo 

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by date of issuance. 

Required Attachments:
  • Proof of Experience (except Workers and Sampling Technicians)
  • Proof of Training, via the CDPH Course Completion Form
  • Photo 

California Non-Residential Lighting Technician Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Electrician Certification Program

Initial Registration


Application for Electrician Examination and Certification

Agency Fee:

$75 application fee + $100 examination fee

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application for Electrician Certification

Agency Fee:



Triennially by the date of issuance.

California Residential Electrician Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Electrician Certification Program

Initial Registration


Application for Electrician Examination and Certification

Agency Fee:

$75 application fee + $100 examination fee

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application for Electrician Certification

Agency Fee:



Triennially by the date of issuance.

California Voice Data Video Electrical Technician Certification

Agency:California Department of Industrial Relations - Electrician Certification Program

Initial Registration


Application for Electrician Examination and Certification

Agency Fee:

$75 application fee + $100 examination fee

Registration Renewal


Renewal Application for Electrician Certification

Agency Fee:



Triennially by the date of issuance.

Local Construction and Contracting Individual Licenses

Los Angeles Boiler Operator License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)

This license allows for the operation of high pressure steam boilers rated from over 5 HP to 35 HP.

Exam Required?Yes

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Deputy Pressure Vessel Inspector License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Deputy Pressure Vessel Inspector Information

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Diesel Engineer License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Diesel Engineer Information

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Electrical Maintenance Supervisor Certificate of Qualification

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Electrical Maintenance Supervisor Information

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Heating (HVAC) Maintenance Supervisor Certificate of Qualification

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Journey-Level Elevator Mechanic License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)

Initial Registration


Journey-Level Elevator Mechanic Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Journey-Level Plumber License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Journey-Level Plumber Information

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Triennially by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Plumbing Maintenance Supervisor Certificate of Qualification

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Plumbing Maintenance Supervisor Information

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Steam Engineer License - 500 HP

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)

This license allows for the operation of one or more high pressure steam boilers rated up to 500 HP. If multiple boilers are connected for joint operation or piped to a common steam header, the total HP rating from all the connected boilers cannot exceed 500 HP.

Exam Required?Yes

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Steam Engineer License - Unlimited HP

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)

This license allows for the operation of one or more high pressure steam boilers of any size or horsepower rating.

Exam Required?Yes

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor Mechanic License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

Los Angeles Welder Certification

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Certified Welder Information

Agency Fee:

$54.50 exam fee + $65.40 license fee due after passing the exam

Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:




Los Angeles Wheelchair Lift Mechanic License

Agency:Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Trade License Application


Wheelchair Lift Mechanic Information

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal

Filing Method:


Agency Fee:



Annually by the date of issuance.

A Journeyman Gas Fitter is “A person who installs, alters or repairs gas piping, gas water heaters, gas vents or any part or parts thereof as an employee, who does not furnish any materials or supplies, and who is the legal possessor of a Journeyman Gas Fitters Certificate of Registration”. 

Los Angeles County Journeyman Gas Fitter Certificate of Registration

Agency:Los Angeles County Public Works Building and Safety Division (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration

Agency Fee:



Contact the Los Angeles County Public Works, Building and Safety Division Research Section for an application.

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



By June 30 of even-numbered years.

A Journeyman Plumber is “A person who installs, alters or repairs plumbing as an employee, who does not furnish any materials or supplies, and who is the legal possessor of a Journeyman Plumbers Certificate”.

Los Angeles County Journeyman Plumber Certificate of Registration

Agency:Los Angeles County Public Works Building and Safety Division (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration


Journeyman Plumbers Instructions

Agency Fee:


Required Attachments:
  • A current license with one of the agencies listed below:
    • Los Angeles City (LA City)
    • National Inspectors Testing Certificate (NITC)
    • Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractor Association (PHCCA)
  • A copy of the ID card or certificate along with their driver’s license

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



By June 30 of even-numbered years.

Los Angeles County Maintenance Electrician Certificate of Registration

Agency:Los Angeles County Public Works Building and Safety Division (CA)

A Certificate of Registration as a Maintenance Electrician may be issued to a permanently employed electrician(s) of a firm for the purpose of installation, alteration, or maintenance of electrical wiring or equipment on the premises of the firm.

Initial Registration


The application for a Certificate of Registration as a Maintenance Electrician shall be made in writing by a responsible officer of the firm and shall designate one or more persons as registrant(s). The request shall include the following information:

  1. The name(s) of the person(s) being registered
  2. The name and address of the company where the person(s) being registered will be working
  3. Certification by the company that this person has worked as an electrician for the company for a minimum of two years
  4. The resume(s) of the person(s) being certified
Agency Fee:

$222.10 (Fees will be prorated for certificates issued that expire in less than two years.)

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



By June 30 of even-numbered years.

A Plumbing Contractor or Gas Fitting Contractor is “A person who is engaged in the business of plumbing(Gas Fitting) … for a specific employer”

Los Angeles County Plumbing/Gas Fitter Contractor Certificate of Registration

Agency:Los Angeles County Public Works Building and Safety Division (CA)
Exam Required?Yes

Initial Registration

Agency Fee:



Contact the Los Angeles County Public Works, Building and Safety Division Research Section for an application.

Registration Renewal

Agency Fee:



By June 30 of even-numbered years.

Explore Licensing in Other States

Associated General Contractors of America
Professional association providing advocacy and organization for construction firms and workers.

National Association of Home Builders
National association for the promotion of the housing industry.

National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies
National organization that represents and promotes the interests of state level contractor licensing agencies.