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Commercial Registered Office Provider

We receive legal documents and government notices for your business.

- Rated 4.2/5 by 143 clients on Google

Your business must appoint a Pennsylvania registered agent to receive documents in legal matters, including notice of lawsuit. Our reliable registered agent service fulfills this requirement. You get:

  • Same-day documents from our local office in Lancaster
  • Immediate online access to state forms with our address and, where required, our signature
  • Annual fees from $89 to $99 per state with no additional charges
A preview of our Registered Agent software

What is a Registered Office?

Most likely you were filling out a form to register your business with the Pennsylvania Department of State when you encountered the terms “Registered Office” and “Commercial Registered Office Provider”. It looked something like this:

An example of a form asking for the name of a Commercial Registered Office Provider

A registered office is where your business can be served a lawsuit and receive other official legal or government documents. If your business is ever sued, this is where a sheriff or government official will hand deliver notice of lawsuit and receive signature to document due process of law was followed.

Pennsylvania statutes require every business entity to have a registered office. Pennsylvania business entities include limited liability companies, corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and nonprofits.

As you can see on the form above, there are two options to fill the registered office requirement. You can either list an address (potentially the office address of your business) or you can hire a commercial registered office provider to act as your registered office. Continue reading the next tab “Do You Need a Crop?” to find out if your office meets the requirements.

Do you need a Commercial Registered Office Provider?

There are two options to fulfill the Pennsylvania registered office requirement.

Option A: Provide Your Own Registered Office

Your business may serve as its own registered office if it has a physical address. A P.O. Box is not allowed.

Your registered office should be open during business hours and have someone authorized to accept and sign for legal documents. Remember that a sheriff or other government official would visit this address with the expectation that someone will be available to sign for receipt of a notice of lawsuit or other document.

Some businesses decide to hire a Commercial Registered Office Provider for the other benefits it provides. For example, if your office moves, the Department of State charges $70 to update their records.

Option B: Appoint a Commercial Registered Office Provider

You may hire a company that is approved by the Department of State to act as your CROP.

  • Comply with the registered office requirement.
    Businesses that do not meet the requirements to serve as their own registered office can fulfill the registered office requirement by electing a CROP. (15 Pa.C.S. § 109).
  • Protect your privacy.
    Avoid receiving process servers, sheriffs, and other officials in front of your clients and employees. Maintain anonymity by having a CROP address listed on the state’s public website.
  • Maintain a flexible schedule and locale.
    Enjoy the freedom of having flexible hours and days off while your CROP reliably stays open during business hours. If you move your office, using a CROP service avoids the $70 state fee to change your registered office.

Default Judgment and Administrative Dissolution

Please be aware that choosing to act as your own registered office (Option A) but failing in your duties can have serious consequences. Doing so puts your business at risk for a default judgment or administrative dissolution. Using a Commercial Registered Office Provider greatly limits your risk of facing such serious consequences.

Our Service & Pricing

We are a local business headquartered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We provide business registration and compliance services for small businesses.

Reliable, Local, Same Day Document Scanning

Receive your time-sensitive documents in your Secure Client Portal on the same day we receive them. We scan your documents locally at our headquarters in Lancaster, PA and promptly forward them to you.

Shopping Tip

Many companies providing CROP service forward all documents to central processing facilities, which delays your receipt of time-sensitive documents by days. When you have been served with a lawsuit, you have limited time to respond so we give you same day access to your documents.

Affordable Rates

Our prices are competitive and we do not charge you fees every time you receive a document.

Subscription Fee
1 Year $99
2 Years $183 (save $15)
3 Years $267 (save $30)
4 Years $336 (save $60)
5 Years $395 (save $100)

Shopping Tip

It is unfortunate that so many Commercial Registered Office Providers use deceptive pricing and charge hidden fees. They often offer a low introductory rate then raise your rate substantially. The fine print may also reveal costly mail forwarding or account maintenence fees. Do your research now and choose a CROP with transparent pricing because there is a $70 Pennsylvania Department of State fee to change your registered office later.

Immediate Service

Order online and you immediately receive the information you need to list us as your CROP for your new or existing business.

Secure Client Portal

We scan your sensitive mail to your personal secure online document storage with 256 bit encryption. Only you and Harbor will have access to your private document(s).

When we receive mail for you, we notify you right away by email, phone, and per any other special instructions you provide. The email we send you contains a link and login to your Secure Client Portal. View and download a scan of your document same day from your Secure Client Portal.

Custom Instructions

We ask for and honor your instructions on how you prefer to be notified when you receive important mail. It is important to us that we are able to quickly reach a representative of your business.

Registered Agent Education
What Is a Registered Agent?Can I Serve as My Own Agent?Service of ProcessOur AddressesNational Registered Agent ServiceCommercial vs. Noncommercial Registered AgentsChanging Your AgentThe "Free Agent" LieBest Registered Agent ServiceWhat Is a Registered Agent for LLCCan I Be My Own Registered AgentChanging a Registered AgentRegistered Agent AddressRegistered Agent CostsHow to Find a Registered Agent For an LLCRegistered Agent for Service of ProcessThe Secretary of State Registered AgentRegistered Agent vs. OrganizerDoes a Registered Agent Have To Live in the State
State Information
Local Names
USA Registered AgentResident AgentStatutory AgentLLC Registered AgentNonprofit Registered Agent
Special Agency
Charitable Registered AgentBOC-3 Process AgentD.C. FCC Appointment