50-State Real Estate Broker Licensing Compliance Guide
An overhead view of a woman signing forms

Ohio Real Estate License

A real estate agent giving a tour of a modern house

Licensing requirements for Ohio brokerage firms.

A business entity offering real estate brokerage services to the public typically must register with the real estate commission before conducting business activity. For assistance with licensing, please contact us to learn about our software and managed license services.

Company Licenses

Ohio Real Estate Company Licenses

Ohio Real Estate Company License

Agency:Ohio Department of Commerce - Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing
Eligible Entity Types:
  • Corporations 
  • Limited Liability Companies

New Brokers – Your original salesperson license must be returned before your broker license will be issued. If you have just passed both parts of the broker examination, you must submit a Broker Transfer/Reactivation Application [COM 3576] to activate your broker license. An existing Broker or other Business Entity license must be returned before the corporation license will be issued.

Qualifying Individual Requirements:

There must be a principal broker who represents the firm and completes part of the application. 

Initial Registration


Corporation Application, Limited Liability Company Application, Foreign Real Estate Application 


Domestic Corporations:

  1.  Prior to submitting this application, a new corporation must have its Doing Business As (DBA) name approved by the Superintendent and the Secretary of State. A name may be reserved by completing the Name Reservation Application – Business [COM 3044]. 
  2. Once your business name has been properly registered, complete this form and attach the following documents: 1) a copy of the corporate certificate from the Secretary of State (this proves the corporation is properly registered); 2) a list of all officers in the corporation; 3) an original signed affidavit from any officer who is not a principal broker that states he/she will not act as a principal
    broker or management level licensee for the corporation; 4) a letter from the bank in which the company’s trust or special account is held that includes the account DBA name, account number, and a statement that the account is a non-interest bearing trust or special account. Non- residents of Ohio must attach the Non-Resident Real Estate Applicant’s Consent to Service of Process [COM 3637].
  3. To transfer more than one broker or one or more salespersons into this corporation from another entity, complete and attach the Multiple License Transfer Affidavit [COM 3683].

Domestic Limited Liability Companies:

  1. Prior to submitting this application, a new LLC must have its Doing Business As (DBA) name approved by the Superintendent and the Secretary of State. A name may be reserved by completing the Name Reservation Application – Business [COM 3044]. 
  2.  Once your business name has been properly registered, complete this form and attach the following documents: 1) a copy of the LLC certificate from the Secretary of State (this proves the LLC is properly registered); 2) a list of all members in the LLC. A principal broker must be a member or officer of the LLC; 3) an original signed affidavit from any member or officer who is not a principal
    broker that states he/she will not act as a principal broker or management level licensee for the LLC; 4) a letter from the bank in which the company’s trust or special account is held that includes the account DBA name, account number, and a statement that the account is a non-interest bearing trust or special account. Non- residents of Ohio must attach the Non-Resident Real Estate Applicant’s Consent to Service of Process [COM 3637]. 
  3. To transfer more than one broker or one or more salespersons into this LLC from another entity, complete and attach the Multiple License Transfer Affidavit [COM 3683].
Filing Method:


Agency Fee:

$135 for domestic firms and $225 for foreign.

Required Attachments:

Foreign Corporations / Limited Liability Companies:

Registration Renewal



Agency Fee:

Determined during renewal.


Annually by June 30.

Individual Licenses

Ohio Individual Real Estate Licenses

Ohio Real Estate Broker License

Agency:Ohio Department of Commerce - Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing

Initial Registration


Broker License Examination Application

Agency Fee:

$135 application fee + $18 background check fee

Notarization Required?:Required

Applicants must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be a United States citizen or a legal alien
  • Be honest, truthful and of good reputation
  • Not have been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude. Not have violated any civil rights laws regarding real estate within the past two years as determined by a court of law or violated any rules of the Ohio Division of Real Estate
  • If originally licensed on or after January 3, 1984, proof of satisfactory completion of a minimum of two years of post-secondary education. The pre-licensure requirements may be included in these two years.
Required Attachments:
  • Proof of completion of all Education Requirements (A copy of official transcripts or course completion certificates)

Registration Renewal


Real Estate Combined Renewal Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:



Triennially by the licensee's date of birth.

Ohio Real Estate Salesperson License

Agency:Ohio Department of Commerce - Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing

Initial Registration


Salesperson License Examination Application

Agency Fee:


Registration Renewal


Real Estate Combined Renewal Application

Filing Method:

Mail or online.

Agency Fee:




Learn about real estate licensing in other states:

Associate Broker - Associate brokers are qualified to work independently as a broker, but choose to work under the authority of a designated broker.

On-Site Manager - A broker or salesperson who oversees the operations of a branch office under the authority of the designated broker.

Qualifying Broker/Designated Broker - An experienced and licensed real estate broker responsible for management and operation of a real estate firm.

Real Estate - Land, buildings, and their permanent improvements and fixtures. Also called "real property" in contrast to personal property.

Real Estate Agent - This term refers generally to any licensed real estate professional.

Reciprocity - Reciprocity makes it easier for out-of-state real estate firms to gain approval to operate in a foreign state by streamlining some licensing requirements.

Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO)
Offers a license verification database accross 43 jurisdictions.

NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association Agencies
Aid education, research, and advocacy efforts in the real estate industry.

National Association of Realtors
Real estate trade organization that provides information and resources for development of the real estate industry.

Urban Land Institute
Research and education association concerned with responsible land use and creating sustainable communities.