New Hampshire Conversion Information

Order Registered Agent Service

Conversion is the process of changing the entity type or the entity type and home state of a business. Conversions become more complex when an entity is registered in multiple states. See the table below for details on filing a conversion in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Conversion From a Corporation to a LLC

Agency:New Hampshire Secretary of State - Corporations Division

Form C-1 NH Corporation to a NH Limited Liability Company

Agency Fee:


New Hampshire Conversion From a Foreign Corporation to a LLC

Agency:New Hampshire Secretary of State - Corporations Division

Form C-4 Foreign Corporation to a NH Limited Liability Company

Agency Fee:


New Hampshire Conversion From a Foreign LLC to a LLC

Agency:New Hampshire Secretary of State - Corporations Division

Form C-5 Foreign Limited Liability Company to a NH Limited Liability Company (Must be submitted with Form LLC-1, included)

Agency Fee:


New Hampshire Conversion From a Foreign Corporation to a LLC

Agency:New Hampshire Secretary of State - Corporations Division

Form C-4 Foreign Corporation to a NH Limited Liability Company

Agency Fee:


New Hampshire Conversion From a Limited Partnership

Agency:New Hampshire Secretary of State - Corporations Division

There is no standardized form available. See RSA § 304-B:16-b for more information.

Agency Fee:
