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Business Compliance

Registered Agents and Business Addresses

Registered Agents and Business Addresses

Registered Agents and Business Addresses

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In every state where your business or nonprofit is registered to operate, you must appoint a registered agent to receive notices of lawsuits and other official state documents for your organization. A registered agent must have a physical address … Read more

Protect Board Members and Officers From Risks: Resources To Help You Manage Compliance

Protect Board Members and Officers From Risks: Resources To Help You Manage Compliance

Protect Board Members and Officers From Risks: Resources To Help You Manage Compliance

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Posted on August 20, 2018, by Harbor Compliance in Business Compliance, Nonprofit Compliance.

One of the key responsibilities of officers and board members is ensuring compliant operations. As a result, they have a duty to make a good faith effort to meet all of your regulatory requirements that apply to your activities and … Read more

Certificate of Good Standing: What’s in a Name?

Certificate of Good Standing: What’s in a Name?

Certificate of Good Standing: What’s in a Name?

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Certificate of good standing, certificate of existence, certificate of status: states call them by different names, which can cause a bit of confusion for people who don’t work with them all day. In fact, one of our specialists recently ran … Read more

Online Retailers and State Sales Tax After South Dakota v. Wayfair

Online Retailers and State Sales Tax After <em>South Dakota v. Wayfair</em>

Online Retailers and State Sales Tax After South Dakota v. Wayfair

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Posted on July 9, 2018, by Betsy Gonzalez in Business Compliance.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair opens the door to significant expansions of state sales tax obligations for online retailers. In the wake of the decision, many interstate and online sellers may find that they … Read more

Forget Sink or Swim — Just Sail

Forget Sink or Swim — Just Sail

Forget Sink or Swim — Just Sail

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The old saying “sink or swim” feels apt when it comes to navigating government regulations. By the time many of our clients come to us, they feel like they’re drowning in government forms and fine print.

While the paperwork can … Read more

Get a Better Return on Your Investment in Compliance

Get a Better Return on Your Investment in Compliance

Get a Better Return on Your Investment in Compliance

Posted on June 25, 2018, by admin in Business Compliance.

Every business must complete its share of regulatory paperwork, from business licenses to annual reports to tax filings. But you don’t have to tie up staff hours doing it. And you don’t have to slow your business to match the … Read more

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Registered Agent

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Registered Agent

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Registered Agent

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Posted on June 11, 2018, by James Gilmer in Business Compliance, Registered Agent.

When you form a business, start a nonprofit, or register to do business in any state, appointing a registered agent is required. A registered agent is also required for many state licenses. The function of the registered agent is to … Read more

Risk Management and Compliance

Risk Management and Compliance

Risk Management and Compliance

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At every phase in their lifecycles, organizations have regulatory obligations to fulfill, from secretary of state registrations to business licenses to tax registrations, and everything in between. While it can seem like a lot of senseless paperwork, these requirements provide … Read more

Strategies for a Successful, Compliant Cause Marketing Campaign

Strategies for a Successful, Compliant Cause Marketing Campaign

Strategies for a Successful, Compliant Cause Marketing Campaign

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May 24 is Red Nose Day, a campaign by Walgreens and Comic Relief that invites supporters to “get their red nose on,” upload their best comic selfies, and raise money to fight child poverty. The success of Red Nose … Read more

Reinstating an Administratively Dissolved Entity

Reinstating an Administratively Dissolved Entity

Reinstating an Administratively Dissolved Entity

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Posted on April 30, 2018, by Harbor Compliance in Business Compliance, Nonprofit Compliance.

If you’ve received notice from the secretary of state that your corporate entity has been administratively dissolved, you’re not alone, and there’s no need to panic, but it’s definitely time to act. Administrative dissolution can happen for many reasons, and … Read more