Entity Name Reservation

Protect the name chosen for your entity

Before registering an entity with the state, there is a risk of another person taking your entity’s intended name. Name reservation prevents others from registering an entity with a name identical to yours.

Name reservation typically provides protection for a period of 120 days, but this figure varies by state. Many states allow reservations to be renewed for an additional period of time after the initial reservation term ends. Entities planning to operate in multiple states may consider reserving their name in several states.

In addition to reservation of names, some states allow foreign entities to protect a name over a longer term by filing a name registration. Name registration is not related to filing a doing business as (DBA) name, but instead acts like an extended name reservation. The most common term for a name registration is one calendar year.

Reserved names may be transferred to another party in the event that an individual other than the name-holder plans to register the business or organization.

Click on a link below for information on how to reserve a name in your state.

Name Reservation Service    * Order online and get started in minutes   * Enter information one
                 time and skip the paperwork   * Starting at $100 plus state fees Order Now