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Business Compliance

Pennsylvania Department of State Issues Consumer Alert

Pennsylvania Department of State Issues Consumer Alert

Pennsylvania Department of State Issues Consumer Alert

Posted on March 28, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

The Pennsylvania Department of State has issued a scam warning for solicitations of annual minutes fees.  The company responsible for these solicitations, Pennsylvania Corporate Compliance Company, is mailing out official looking notices to Pennsylvania businesses.  These notices, titled “Annual Read more

PA fictitious name registration

Posted on March 26, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

In my previous post, I explained 5 insidious myths surrounding Pennsylvania fictitious names.  My position is that fictitious names are rarely the best option for small businesses.  In certain cases however, registering a PA fictitious name is justified.  The … Read more

Pennsylvania Fictitious Name: Five Insidious Myths Debunked

Posted on February 26, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

A Pennsylvania fictitious name does not provide liability protection and other important benefits.  Most business owners have heard about the pros and cons of different business structures but do not fully understand the implications for their businesses.

Fictitious names are … Read more

Could a Library be an Entrepreneur’s Dream Workspace?

Posted on February 20, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

Co-working has recently become a popular trend as a way for entrepreneurs to share an office with other like-minded individuals.  Some entrepreneurs use co-working to get out of their home office one or two days a week, while others use … Read more

How to Get the Legal Advice You Need Without Breaking the Bank

Posted on February 18, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

In my last post, I talked about the importance of building a solid professional team to help you maintain compliance.  One of the most important members of this team is an attorney.  In an ideal world, you would consult with … Read more

Building Your Team of Professional Advisers to Help You Stay Compliant

Posted on February 17, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

I’m sure you’ve heard many times that people are the key to the success of any business.  Jim Collins, business expert and author of one of my favorite business books, Good to Great, states the first step to building a … Read more


Posted on February 15, 2013, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

Welcome to our new blog!

We’ve decided to create this blog to make useful information available to small business owners and entrepreneurs.  Through our blog, you will have an opportunity to post comments and ask our experts questions.  We will … Read more

Do I Need Liability Insurance, Limited Liability Protection, or Both?

Do I Need Liability Insurance, Limited Liability Protection, or Both?

Do I Need Liability Insurance, Limited Liability Protection, or Both?

Posted on March 15, 2012, by Mike Montali in Business Compliance.

I am often asked how liability insurance is different from limited liability protection.  Liability insurance is purchased from an insurance company to cover claims against the business.  Business entities such as limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations provide limited liability … Read more