Fictitious Name Registration

We prepare and file the government paperwork to register your fictitious name.

A sign with "Hello My Name Is" written on it.

We make registering your fictitious name easy and affordable.

  • Fulfill state requirements to register your business name
  • Provide privacy for the owners
  • Build a name for your business that can easily be transferred and sold
  • Enjoy added credibility in the eyes of customers and vendors

In most states, sole proprietors and general partnerships are required to register a fictitious name if their business name does not include the legal surnames of all owners. For instance, Sally Anderson would not need to register a fictitious name for “Anderson’s Breads”, but would for ”Best Bread Bakery“. This rule varies slightly by state and county.

LLCs, corporations, and other business entities do not need to register a fictitious name when starting up. If you are looking for a second business name, please see Doing Business As (DBA) Registration.

Our Service

We obtain your fictitious name for you. We will:

Confirm availability of your desired name
Prepare and file your Fictitious Name Registration
Provide 1-on-1 support
Alert you to related requirements, such as if a Publishing Requirement applies in your state

Fictitious Name Registration

To register your fictitious name, we will first check to make sure the name is available for use in your state. If your name is not available, we will help you find an alternate. We then prepare and file the government paperwork to register your fictitious name. Our specialists can submit most documents in less than one business day. We follow-up with your Secretary of State directly and provide prompt confirmation when your registration is approved.

Fictitious Name Publishing

In some states, the corporations code requires notice of your fictitious name registration be published in legal journals or newspapers. We will alert you if this requirement applies in your state. If desired, we offer affordable services to take care of the publishing for you. We identify the publications, prepare and submit notices, and obtain affidavits for your company records.

Why Choose Us


Our document filing services are an affordable alternative to the services of an attorney or accountant.

24hr Filing

We can prepare and submit most name registration documents in one business day.

1-on-1 Support

A filing specialist will be assigned to help you from start to finish. Contact your specialist directly at any time.