How to Win at Business: Lessons from Paper, Rock, Scissors

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Posted on September 30, 2013 by Megan Danz in Business Compliance.

Every year there is a rock, paper, scissors world championship and every year the same faces make it to the top.  How do they consistently make it to the top in a game of chance?  And how can you apply these lessons to business, tipping a supposedly level playing field to your advantage?

The World RPS Society published the following infographic explaining tactics to win at rock, paper, scissors.  If you thought it was just a game of chance of luck, think again.  And though it can seem like it sometimes in the marketplace, winning at business isn’t a game of luck either.  As you read below, keep in mind the following lessons about business:

1.) Know your audience.  In step #1 we learn males have a tendency to produce rock on the first throw.  Learn your customers and you’ll know how they’ll act  before they do.  That is the key secret to marketing.  No guessing!   Know thy audience!

2.) Know your competitors.  You would expect rock, paper, and scissors to each be thrown one-third of the time.  In step #6, we learn paper is thrown 29.6% of the time.    In your industry, do your competitors consistently offer your customers the same common options (a lot of rock and scissors, and not as much paper)?  Sometimes finding your “in” in the market is simply finding your competitor’s blindspot.

3.) Know your marketplace.  Inexperienced RPS players will copycat (step #3) while experienced RPS players will throw a twisted scissors (#2) or even a spock (#8).  Innovation isn’t just an option.  If your competitors identify you as a copycat they will outplay you.  If your clients identify you as a copycat they will be bored.  When you’re playing to win, stay on your toes and avoid falling into a habits.

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