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Fundraising and Grants

Seeking Your Next Fundraising Goal? Ask Your Donors!

Seeking Your Next Fundraising Goal? Ask Your Donors!

Seeking Your Next Fundraising Goal? Ask Your Donors!

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Every fundraising program has them. Financial objectives, which are set and tracked internal to the organization. We also have fundraising goals, which we communicate to our constituents. I’ll call those “external” goals.

It really doesn’t matter whether the objective is … Read more

A Primer on Nonprofit Grant Writing

A Primer on Nonprofit Grant Writing

A Primer on Nonprofit Grant Writing

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Many nonprofits view grant writing as an indelible part of running a charity. While it can be a helpful revenue stream, the reality is that grants are extremely competitive, and without certain preparedness measures, most nonprofits’ grant writing efforts … Read more

3 Big Compliance Concerns for Nonprofits Raising Money from Corporate Giving Programs

3 Big Compliance Concerns for Nonprofits Raising Money from Corporate Giving Programs

3 Big Compliance Concerns for Nonprofits Raising Money from Corporate Giving Programs

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Posted on February 24, 2016, by Harbor Compliance in Fundraising and Grants, Nonprofit Compliance.

As you likely know, nonprofits have to remain compliant with many local, state, and federal regulations.

Whether you’re crowdfunding, asking for donations online, or just fundraising in general, compliance laws are everywhere.

If your nonprofit is receiving donations from … Read more

How Often Should I Tweet, Email, and Post During a 30-Day Online Fundraising Campaign?

How Often Should I Tweet, Email, and Post During a 30-Day Online Fundraising Campaign?

How Often Should I Tweet, Email, and Post During a 30-Day Online Fundraising Campaign?

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Posted on December 28, 2015, by Harbor Compliance in Fundraising and Grants, Nonprofit Compliance.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a nonprofit decides to get into online fundraising. They put together a great video and launch a crowdfunding campaign, hoping to raise tens of thousands of dollars.

And then…nothing happens. Crickets.… Read more

3 Things You Should Know About Your Donors Before Making a Solicitation

3 Things You Should Know About Your Donors Before Making a Solicitation

3 Things You Should Know About Your Donors Before Making a Solicitation

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Posted on December 7, 2015, by Harbor Compliance in Fundraising and Grants, Nonprofit Compliance.

Nonprofits of all sizes can appreciate the difficulty of fundraising. Whether your organization is brand new and you are waiting for your IRS determination letter or further along and focusing on your major gifts program, donation solicitation has its … Read more

Online Fundraising, Perfectly

Online Fundraising, Perfectly

Online Fundraising, Perfectly

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Online fundraising is a tremendous opportunity for nonprofits of all sizes. These days, any organization with a website can woo donors and compete for scarce funding, wherever it may be hiding.

However, some organizations are just plain better at it. … Read more